I am a returning user to Quicken using Mac '17. I want to enable the Quicken Direct Connect to allow bill payment right out of the Quicken App. Looking at the list here:
It seems like there are a lot of banks that support Direct Connect. I contacted one bank listed as supporting Direct Connect and they told me it doesn't do bill-pay. I then opened another account at e-trade (which supports Direct Connect, and where I have a brokerage account) and after multiple calls and emails with customer service there no one knows what I am talking about. they all show me to the web connect.
Can anyone give the name of a big-name bank that they are currently (and sucessfully) using direct connect to pay bills? I don't want to go through this by trial and error - opening and then having to close multiple accounts.
It really comes down to a bank that offers an online bill payment via their online website AND has Quicken support for Direct Connect AND you can use for Bill Payment.